Amal Umm Ruba

My name is Amal, and I am from Hebron. I live in Kfar Aqab on the outskirts of Jerusalem with my daughter, Ruba, and my other five children. I took several courses in makeup, child-rearing, and eco-friendliness at a local institute, but none of these reflected my passion.

In the beginning, embroidery was just a hobby I practiced, following in my mother's footsteps, who was a professional embroiderer but kept her craft simple and traditional. In 2009, I decided to start my own business, telling myself that the time had come to excel in what I love and showcase my hidden talents. Since then, my relationship with my work has strengthened, and embroidery and I have become inseparable companions. I am proud to keep Palestinian fabrics and handicrafts alive.

Amal Umm Ruba

My name is Amal, and I am from Hebron. I live in Kfar Aqab on the outskirts of Jerusalem with my daughter, Ruba, and my other five children. I took several courses in makeup, child-rearing, and eco-friendliness at a local institute, but none of these reflected my passion.
In the beginning, embroidery was just a hobby I practiced, following in my mother's footsteps, who was a professional embroiderer but kept her craft simple and traditional. In 2009, I decided to start my own business, telling myself that the time had come to excel in what I love and showcase my hidden talents. Since then, my relationship with my work has strengthened, and embroidery and I have become inseparable companions. I am proud to keep Palestinian fabrics and handicrafts alive.